

Utilization of Cobalt Smelting Slag in Metallurgical Pellets and the Mechanism of Pellet Performance Enhancement

  • 摘要: 钴冶炼废渣(钴渣)成分复杂,堆存处理会造成环境污染及资源浪费。为此提出1种以钴渣、磁铁矿和膨润土为原料制备冶金球团的新方法,研究钴渣添加量对球团综合性能及球团焙烧烟气中SO2排放的影响,根据原料特性及球团矿相结构分析,揭示球团性能提升机理。结果表明:钴渣质量分数由0增至2.0%,生球落下强度由2.3 次/0.5 m增至13.6 次/0.5 m,生球平均抗压强度由11.5 N/mm2增至14.9 N/mm2,添加钴渣可显著提升球团的综合性能;钴渣中S元素含量较高,钴渣的添加会造成球团焙烧烟气中SO2排放浓度的增加。钴渣亲水性强,在球团原料中起到黏结剂的作用,添加钴渣有利于提升球团原料的成球性能;钴渣中含有的铁、钙、硅、铝等氧化物在球团焙烧过程中反应形成低熔点复合铁酸钙液相,适量的液相起到液相连接作用,使球团矿相结构中赤铁矿连晶更加致密,球团内部孔隙率减小,有利于提高焙烧球的抗压强度。本文研究可为钴渣在钢铁生产流程中的资源化利用提供新途径。


    Abstract: Cobalt smelting slag (cobalt slag) has a complex composition, and its disposal can lead to environmental pollution and resource wastage. Therefore, a novel method for producing metallurgical pellets was proposed using cobalt slag, magnetite, and bentonite as raw materials. The impact of cobalt slag addition on the comprehensive performance of the pellets and the impact on SO2 emissions in the flue gas during the roasting process was studied. By analyzing the raw materials characteristics and pellet mineral structure, the mechanism for improving pellet performance was elucidated.The results indicate that as the mass fraction of cobalt slag increases from 0 to 2.0%, the green ball drop strength increases from 2.3 times/0.5 m to 13.6 times/0.5 m, and the average compressive strength increases from 11.5 N/mm2 to 14.9 N/mm2. The addition of cobalt slag significantly improves the comprehensive performance of the pellets. However, the high sulfur content in cobalt slag increases the concentration of SO2 emission during roasting. Cobalt slag’s strong hydrophilicity plays the role of a binder in pellet feed, and its addition benefits the balling performance of pellet feed. Oxides of iron, calcium, silicon, aluminum, and other elements contained in cobalt slag react during the roasting process of pellets to form low-melting-point calcium ferrite liquid phase. An appropriate amount of liquid phase serves as a liquid-phase bonding agent, making the hematite crystal structure within the pellets more compact, reducing the internal porosity of the pellets, which helps to improve the compressive strength of roasted pellets.This study offers a new approach for the resourceful utilization of cobalt slag within the steelmaking process.


