

Electrodialysis Technology for Desalination and Separation of Complex Amino Acids

  • 摘要: 通过对多种氨基酸脱盐方法优缺点的分析,论证了电渗析技术作为氨基酸脱盐方法的必要性,并分析了使用该技术对复合氨基酸溶液脱盐与分离效果;测定氨基酸溶液中无机盐浓度与电导率的相关性以及不同电渗析时间点浓室与淡室溶液电导率的变化,结果表明氨基酸溶液中无机盐浓度与电导率在一定浓度范围内呈线性关系,其方程为K=2.957 3c(NaCl)-0.205 4,线性相关系数R=0.967 3,说明采用电渗析技术可有效改变浓室和淡室的浓度,进而可实现复合氨基酸无机盐溶液的分离及进一步纯化。


    Abstract: Application of electrodialysis technology to desalination and separation of complex amino acids was necessarily demonstrated by analyzing advantages and disadvantages of desalination and separation of complex amino acids. Effect of electrodialysis technology for desalination and separation of complex amino acids was tested. The correlation between concentration and conductivity of inorganic salts in complex amino acids solution was determined. The results show that concentration and conductivity of inorganic salts depend on different diverse times and high and/or low concentration-room in mother solution. Their liner relationship is K=2.957 3c(NaCl)-0.205 4, and the corresponding coefficient is 0.967 3. It is thus inferred that electrodialysis technology could effectively change the concentration in the concentrating desalination rooms and the separation of inorganic salts and further purification of complex amino acids could be obtained.


